UFRGS & Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
Daniel Wolff, coordinator

Daniel created and is coordinating the project Sarau no Hospital (Soirée at the Hospital), to promote recitals and workshops for the patients of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Developed as an outreach project at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, its concerts and workshops will be given by the students and faculty members of the University’s Music Department. Sarau no Hospital aims to bring joy and hope to patients of such diverse areas as psychiatry and child oncology.

Since its beginning, in April 2006, the project has reached over 4500 patients of the HCPA and was awarded the Açorianos Prize in 2009. Inspired by the idea, other hospitals are establishing similar projects, for which Daniel acts as voluntary consultant.

In December 2007 Daniel started a new phase of the project at the Elisabeth Klinik hospital in Berlin. With the German title Musik im Krankenhaus, it will involve students from the Universität der Künste. View the Berlin pictures.